Emergency :  347 8987147

Projects and Activities

"Gender in Form-Action"

To teachers in Middle Schools : school, education and families have got a key role in future design so they need to deepen problems linked with gender identity. To develop a “gender education” means to teach thinking and knowing the own identity. The course will give us the possibility to be carefully towards language. Gender difference musn’t be occulted but only known.

This project is addressed to four Middle Schools in Capo d’Orlando, Caprileone and Torrenova.


Integrated Protocol Net Interventions against violence - Relations strenghthening Pink Project Center:

With this net, we hope to potentiate all services to contrast violence and all people who participate become “local listeners”.

Our area includes Messina district, Nebrodis and Tyrrhenian zone, all villages and towns, hospitals, schools, police,  judicial authorities, prefectures, unions and foundations.

We wish to create an efficient net that values local resources.


Working orientation and insertion at Pink Project Center.

For women violence victims, there is a special desk where we can help them asking to:

• Public and private people;

• Corporations;

• Companies;

• Unions;

• Training Institutions.

Reaching these targets, women become independent.


"In Formazione"

All our professional team has specific knowledge to fight against violence, it follows a course of 30 hours.


"Silent Tiptoed  Pink Project"

Hospitality with a secret address at Women Pink Project Center:

Hospitality Desk and Phone Desk with help line 24 hours by day.

The listening desk acts to:

• listening and hospitality;

• psychological support;

• free advice from a lawyer;

• social assistance;

• health assistance in the secure place;

• emergency hospitality;

Our center gives access to public and private services, respecting the own sexual, cultural identity and choice of freedom;

The Center ensures women rights, without any discrimination;

Children will have a school education;

The purpose is to give women and children autonomy;

Our place try to be homely for women who have suffered every type of violence (physical, sexual, psychological, economic...) and need to find again welfare.