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Internship Hospitality

At our institution, thanks to training and orientation internship agreements stipulated with the Universities of Palermo, Catania and Messina, it is possible to carry out curricular and post-graduate internships.

During the completion of these training courses, the trainees will be engaged in activities aimed at achieving the following objectives:

  • Develop and enhance knowledge and skills in the field of general psychology and social and organizational psychology, with particular reference to the phenomenology of gender violence, socio-psycho-educational services and social assistance and social welfare services for the protection of people in fragile conditions.
  • Acquire knowledge relating to the phenomenology of male violence against women, the role and skills of the operator in listening and accompaniment in the process of escaping violence, complex taking charge, team work and integration with the network territorial services.
  • Develop skills and knowledge in the field of social planning, with an in-depth study of sector regulations and the diversification of services.
  • Acquire knowledge relating to the planning and implementation of interventions for prevention, awareness, protection of equal opportunities and combating social problems characteristic of subjects in a state of hardship and/or risk of exclusion and marginalization.

The expected implementation method will be that of participatory observation: the intern will actively participate in institutional activities, through reading and in-depth analysis of cases, participation in interviews with users and team meetings. Furthermore, activities are envisaged such as the analysis and study of public tenders/notices and related planning, participation/exercise in the field of social planning, observation and participation in information, training, prevention and awareness-raising activities, the in-depth analysis of scientific literature, guidelines and sector regulations.

For information and/or applications, send an email to the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., attaching a copy of your CV in European format and specifying the University of origin, the period of the internship and the number of hours to be completed.