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Gender Resource Center

Developed within the “Vis - à - Vis” project - Experimental Empowerment Actions, the Gender Resource Center is an innovative space that aims to respond to the needs of women and their families (including single-nuclear and single-parent families), taking into account of the considerable difficulties connected to a welfare system that is often insufficient and/or which promotes fragmented interventions, sometimes more aimed at welfare support, rather than truly aimed at empowerment.
It is based on a specific reading of the context, in reference to the need for prevention of all forms of violence, promotion of healthy relationship styles, support for parenting skills and educational co-responsibilities, promotion and concrete support for the reconciliation of time . All with a view to actively promoting Equal Opportunities, offering conciliation tools, breaking down stereotypes and prejudices, particularly gender-based, and supporting the achievement of gender equality and female empowerment.

The Center presents itself as a physical and mental place, open, welcoming, responsive and structured with respect to the needs of the territory and users. A space capable of accompanying the person in different life situations, increasing knowledge about rights and opportunities, promoting educational growth and inclusion in the world of work, protecting from any problematic experiences and promoting well-being, self-efficacy, the development of coping strategies and resources.

Activities and services:
• Consultancy and training courses regarding financial literacy and domestic financial/economic management
• Educational and work consultancy/orientation
• Consultancy and orientation to public-private services/institutions in the area
• Personalized courses of consultancy, support and accompaniment on a social, educational, socio-health and psychological level. By way of example: birth accompaniment courses and promotion of educational co-responsibilities, home visiting, home education, home caregiving, orientation and accompaniment to local services, thematic meetings in small groups
• Parental training/thematic meetings to support the family in their educational role
• Psycho-socio-educational and legal consultancy desk.